id: 29 name: migxGetCollectionTree category: MIGX properties: 'a:0:{}' ----- /** * migxGetCollectionTree * * Copyright 2014 by Bruno Perner * * migxGetCollectionTree is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. * * migxGetCollectionTree is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * migxGetCollectionTree; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, * Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * @package migx */ /** * migxGetCollectionTree * * display nested items from different objects. The tree-schema is defined by a json-property. * * @version 1.0.0 * @author Bruno Perner * @copyright Copyright © 2014 * @license GNU General Public License * version 2 or (at your option) any later version. * @package migx */ $treeSchema = $modx->getOption('treeSchema', $scriptProperties, ''); $treeSchema = $modx->fromJson($treeSchema); $scriptProperties['current'] = $modx->getOption('current', $scriptProperties, ''); $scriptProperties['currentClassname'] = $modx->getOption('currentClassname', $scriptProperties, ''); $scriptProperties['currentKeyField'] = $modx->getOption('currentKeyField', $scriptProperties, 'id'); $return = $modx->getOption('return', $scriptProperties, 'parsed'); //parsed,json,arrayprint /* Examples: Get Resource-Tree, 4 levels deep [[!migxGetCollectionTree? ¤t=`57` ¤tClassname=`modResource` &treeSchema=` { "classname": "modResource", "debug": "1", "tpl": "mgctResourceTree", "wrapperTpl": "@CODE:", "selectfields": "id,pagetitle", "where": { "parent": "0", "published": "1", "deleted": "0" }, "_branches": [{ "alias": "children", "classname": "modResource", "local": "parent", "foreign": "id", "tpl": "mgctResourceTree", "debug": "1", "selectfields": "id,pagetitle,parent", "_branches": [{ "alias": "children", "classname": "modResource", "local": "parent", "foreign": "id", "tpl": "mgctResourceTree", "debug": "1", "selectfields": "id,pagetitle,parent", "where": { "published": "1", "deleted": "0" }, "_branches": [{ "alias": "children", "classname": "modResource", "local": "parent", "foreign": "id", "tpl": "mgctResourceTree", "debug": "1", "selectfields": "id,pagetitle,parent", "where": { "published": "1", "deleted": "0" } }] }] }] } `]] the chunk mgctResourceTree:
  • [[+pagetitle]]([[+id]])
  • [[+innercounts.children:gt=`0`:then=` `:else=``]] get all Templates and its Resources: [[!migxGetCollectionTree? &treeSchema=` { "classname": "modTemplate", "debug": "1", "tpl": "@CODE:


    ", "selectfields": "id,templatename", "_branches": [{ "alias": "resource", "classname": "modResource", "local": "template", "foreign": "id", "tpl": "@CODE:
  • [[+pagetitle]]([[+id]])
  • ", "debug": "1", "selectfields": "id,pagetitle,template" }] } `]] */ if (!class_exists('MigxGetCollectionTree')) { class MigxGetCollectionTree { function __construct(modX & $modx, array $config = array()) { $this->modx = &$modx; $this->config = $config; } function getBranch($branch, $foreigns = array(), $level = 1) { $rows = array(); if (count($foreigns) > 0) { $modx = &$this->modx; $local = $modx->getOption('local', $branch, ''); $where = $modx->getOption('where', $branch, array()); $where = !empty($where) && !is_array($where) ? $modx->fromJSON($where) : $where; $where[] = array($local . ':IN' => $foreigns); $branch['where'] = $modx->toJson($where); $level++; /* if ($levelFromCurrent > 0){ $levelFromCurrent++; } */ $rows = $this->getRows($branch, $level); } return $rows; } function getRows($scriptProperties, $level) { $migx = &$this->migx; $modx = &$this->modx; $current = $modx->getOption('current', $this->config, ''); $currentKeyField = $modx->getOption('currentKeyField', $this->config, 'id'); $currentlabel = $modx->getOption('currentlabel', $this->config, 'current'); $classname = $modx->getOption('classname', $scriptProperties, ''); $sortResult = $modx->getOption('sortResult', $scriptProperties, ''); $currentClassname = !empty($this->config['currentClassname']) ? $this->config['currentClassname'] : $classname; $activelabel = $modx->getOption('activelabel', $this->config, 'active'); $return = $modx->getOption('return', $this->config, 'parsed'); $xpdo = $migx->getXpdoInstanceAndAddPackage($scriptProperties); $c = $migx->prepareQuery($xpdo, $scriptProperties); $rows = $migx->getCollection($c); $branches = $modx->getOption('_branches', $scriptProperties, array()); $collectedSubrows = array(); foreach ($branches as $branch) { $foreign = $modx->getOption('foreign', $branch, ''); $local = $modx->getOption('local', $branch, ''); $alias = $modx->getOption('alias', $branch, ''); //$activeonly = $modx->getOption('activeonly', $branch, ''); $foreigns = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $foreigns[] = $row[$foreign]; } $subrows = $this->getBranch($branch, $foreigns, $level); foreach ($subrows as $subrow) { $collectedSubrows[$subrow[$local]][] = $subrow; $subrow['_active'] = $modx->getOption('_active', $subrow, '0'); /* if (!empty($activeonly) && $subrow['_active'] != '1') { $output = ''; } else { $collectedSubrows[$subrow[$local]][] = $subrow; } */ if ($subrow['_active'] == '1') { //echo 'active subrow:
    ' . print_r($subrow,1) . '
    '; $activesubrow[$subrow[$local]] = true; } if ($subrow['_current'] == '1') { //echo 'active subrow:
    ' . print_r($subrow,1) . '
    '; $currentsubrow[$subrow[$local]] = true; } } //insert subrows $temprows = $rows; $rows = array(); foreach ($temprows as $row) { if (isset($collectedSubrows[$row[$foreign]])) { $row['_active'] = '0'; $row['_currentparent'] = '0'; if (isset($activesubrow[$row[$foreign]]) && $activesubrow[$row[$foreign]]) { $row['_active'] = '1'; //echo 'active row:
    ' . print_r($row,1) . '
    '; } if (isset($currentsubrow[$row[$foreign]]) && $currentsubrow[$row[$foreign]]) { $row['_currentparent'] = '1'; //echo 'active row:
    ' . print_r($row,1) . '
    '; } //render innerrows //$output = $migx->renderOutput($collectedSubrows[$row[$foreign]],$scriptProperties); //$output = $collectedSubrows[$row[$foreign]]; $row['innercounts.' . $alias] = count($collectedSubrows[$row[$foreign]]); $row['_scriptProperties'][$alias] = $branch; /* switch ($return) { case 'parsed': $output = $migx->renderOutput($collectedSubrows[$row[$foreign]], $branch); //$subbranches = $modx->getOption('_branches', $branch, array()); //if there are any placeholders left with the same alias from subbranch, remove them $output = str_replace('[[+innerrows.' . $alias . ']]', '', $output); break; case 'json': case 'arrayprint': $output = $collectedSubrows[$row[$foreign]]; break; } */ $output = $collectedSubrows[$row[$foreign]]; $row['innerrows.' . $alias] = $output; } $rows[] = $row; } } $temprows = $rows; $rows = array(); foreach ($temprows as $row) { //add additional placeholders $row['_level'] = $level; $row['_active'] = $modx->getOption('_active', $row, '0'); if ($currentClassname == $classname && $row[$currentKeyField] == $current) { $row['_current'] = '1'; $row['_currentlabel'] = $currentlabel; $row['_active'] = '1'; } else { $row['_current'] = '0'; $row['_currentlabel'] = ''; } if ($row['_active'] == '1') { $row['_activelabel'] = $activelabel; } else { $row['_activelabel'] = ''; } $rows[] = $row; } if (!empty($sortResult) && is_array($sortResult)){ $rows = $migx->sortDbResult($rows, $sortResult); } return $rows; } function renderRow($row, $levelFromCurrent = 0) { $migx = &$this->migx; $modx = &$this->modx; $return = $modx->getOption('return', $this->config, 'parsed'); $branchProperties = $modx->getOption('_scriptProperties', $row, array()); $current = $modx->getOption('_current', $row, '0'); $currentparent = $modx->getOption('_currentparent', $row, '0'); $levelFromCurrent = $current == '1' ? 1 : $levelFromCurrent; $row['_levelFromCurrent'] = $levelFromCurrent; foreach ($branchProperties as $alias => $properties) { $innerrows = $modx->getOption('innerrows.' . $alias, $row, array()); $subrows = $this->renderRows($innerrows, $properties, $levelFromCurrent, $currentparent); if ($return == 'parsed') { $subrows = $migx->renderOutput($subrows, $properties); } $row['innerrows.' . $alias] = $subrows; } return $row; } function renderRows($rows, $scriptProperties, $levelFromCurrent = 0, $siblingOfCurrent = '0') { $modx = &$this->modx; $temprows = $rows; $rows = array(); if ($levelFromCurrent > 0) { $levelFromCurrent++; } foreach ($temprows as $row) { $row['_siblingOfCurrent'] = $siblingOfCurrent; $row = $this->renderRow($row, $levelFromCurrent); $rows[] = $row; } return $rows; } } } $instance = new MigxGetCollectionTree($modx, $scriptProperties); if (is_array($treeSchema)) { $scriptProperties = $treeSchema; $migx = $modx->getService('migx', 'Migx', $modx->getOption('migx.core_path', null, $modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/migx/') . 'model/migx/', $scriptProperties); if (!($migx instanceof Migx)) return ''; $defaultcontext = 'web'; $migx->working_context = isset($modx->resource) ? $modx->resource->get('context_key') : $defaultcontext; $instance->migx = &$migx; $level = 1; $scriptProperties['alias'] = 'row'; $rows = $instance->getRows($scriptProperties, $level); $row = array(); $row['innercounts.row'] = count($rows); $row['innerrows.row'] = $rows; $row['_scriptProperties']['row'] = $scriptProperties; $rows = $instance->renderRow($row); $output = ''; switch ($return) { case 'parsed': $output = $modx->getOption('innerrows.row', $rows, ''); break; case 'json': $output = $modx->toJson($rows); break; case 'arrayprint': $output = '
    ' . print_r($rows, 1) . '
    '; break; } return $output; }