id: 33 name: migxAutoPublish category: MIGX properties: 'a:0:{}' ----- $classnames = explode(',', $modx->getOption('classnames',$scriptProperties,'')); $packageName = $modx->getOption('packageName',$scriptProperties,''); switch ($mode) { case 'datetime' : $timeNow = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'); break; case 'unixtime' : $timeNow = time(); break; default : $timeNow = strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'); break; } $modx->addPackage($packageName, $modx->getOption('core_path') . 'components/' . $packageName . '/model/'); foreach ($classnames as $classname) { if (!empty($classname)) { $tblResource = $modx->getTableName($classname); if (!$result = $modx->exec("UPDATE {$tblResource} SET published=1,publishedon=pub_date,pub_date=null WHERE pub_date < '{$timeNow}' AND pub_date > 0 AND published=0")) { $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Error while refreshing resource publishing data: ' . print_r($modx->errorInfo(), true)); } if (!$result = $modx->exec("UPDATE $tblResource SET published=0,unpub_date=null WHERE unpub_date < '{$timeNow}' AND unpub_date IS NOT NULL AND unpub_date > 0 AND published=1")) { $modx->log(modX::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, 'Error while refreshing resource unpublishing data: ' . print_r($modx->errorInfo(), true)); } } } $modx->cacheManager->refresh();