id: 13 name: XRouting description: 'XRouting is a simple plugin that handles requests for different contexts. It automatically switches the context based on a (sub)domain AND/OR subfolder.' properties: 'a:0:{}' ----- switch ($modx->event->name) { // "refresh cache" part case 'OnContextSave': case 'OnContextRemove': case 'OnSiteRefresh': $contexts = array(); $cacheKey = 'xrouting_contextmap'; $cacheOptions = array(); // build context array $query = $modx->newQuery('modContext'); $query->where(array('modContext.key:NOT IN' => array('mgr'))); $query->sortby($modx->escape('modContext') . '.' . $modx->escape('key'), 'DESC'); $contextsGraph = $modx->getCollectionGraph('modContext', '{"ContextSettings":{}}', $query); foreach ($contextsGraph as $context) { $contextSettings = array(); foreach ($context->ContextSettings as $cSetting) { $contextSettings[$cSetting->get('key')] = $cSetting->get('value'); } if (!empty($contextSettings['http_host']) && !empty($contextSettings['base_url'])) { // add http_host to hosts list $contexts['_hosts'][$contextSettings['http_host']][] = $context->get('key'); // add alias hosts to host list if (!empty($contextSettings['http_host_aliases'])) { foreach (explode(',',$contextSettings['http_host_aliases']) as $alias) { $contexts['_hosts'][$alias][] = $context->get('key'); } } // add context settings $contexts[$context->get('key')] = $contextSettings; } } unset($contextsGraph); $modx->cacheManager->set($cacheKey, $contexts, 0, $cacheOptions); break; // "routing" part default: case 'OnHandleRequest': if ($modx->context->get('key') == 'mgr') return; $contexts = array(); $cacheKey = 'xrouting_contextmap'; $cacheOptions = array(); $contexts = $modx->cacheManager->get($cacheKey, $cacheOptions); if (empty($contexts)) { // build context array $query = $modx->newQuery('modContext'); $query->where(array('modContext.key:NOT IN' => array('mgr'))); $query->sortby($modx->escape('modContext') . '.' . $modx->escape('key'), 'DESC'); $contextsGraph = $modx->getCollectionGraph('modContext', '{"ContextSettings":{}}', $query); foreach ($contextsGraph as $context) { $contextSettings = array(); foreach ($context->ContextSettings as $cSetting) { $contextSettings[$cSetting->get('key')] = $cSetting->get('value'); } if (!empty($contextSettings['http_host']) && !empty($contextSettings['base_url'])) { // add http_host to hosts list $contexts['_hosts'][$contextSettings['http_host']][] = $context->get('key'); // add alias hosts to host list if (!empty($contextSettings['http_host_aliases'])) { foreach (explode(',',$contextSettings['http_host_aliases']) as $alias) { $contexts['_hosts'][$alias][] = $context->get('key'); } } // add context settings $contexts[$context->get('key')] = $contextSettings; } } unset($contextsGraph); $modx->cacheManager->set($cacheKey, $contexts, 0, $cacheOptions); } if (!empty($contexts)) { $http_host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if ($modx->getOption('xrouting.include_www', null, true)) { $http_host = str_replace('www.','',$http_host); } $modx_base_url = $modx->getOption('base_url', null, MODX_BASE_URL); $requestUrl = str_replace('//','/',$modx_base_url.$_REQUEST[$modx->getOption('request_param_alias', null, 'q')]); $matches = array(); // find matching hosts $matched_contexts = $contexts['_hosts'][$http_host]; foreach ((array) $matched_contexts as $index => $ckey) { $context = $contexts[$ckey]; $strpos = strpos($requestUrl, $contexts[$ckey]['base_url']); if ($strpos === 0) { $matches[strlen($contexts[$ckey]['base_url'])] = $ckey; } } // modify request for the matched context if (!empty($matches)) { $cSettings = $contexts[$matches[max(array_keys($matches))]]; $cKey = $matches[max(array_keys($matches))]; // do we need to switch the context? if ($modx->context->get('key') != $cKey) { $modx->switchContext($cKey); } // remove base_url from request query if ($cSettings['base_url'] != $modx_base_url) { $newRequestUrl = str_replace($cSettings['base_url'],'',$requestUrl); $_REQUEST[$modx->getOption('request_param_alias', null, 'q')] = $newRequestUrl; } } else if ($_REQUEST['xrouting-debug'] != '1' || !$modx->getOption('xrouting.allow_debug_info', null, false)) { // if no match found if ($modx->getOption('xrouting.show_no_match_error', null, true)) { $modx->sendErrorPage(); } else { $modx->switchContext($modx->getOption('xrouting.default_context', null, 'web')); } } // output debug info $request = isset($_REQUEST['xrouting-debug']) ? $_REQUEST['xrouting-debug'] : ""; if ($request == '1' && $modx->getOption('xrouting.allow_debug_info', null, false)) { $debuginfo = '
                $debuginfo .= "## MODX context map:\n\n" . print_r($contexts,true) . "\n\n\n";
                $debuginfo .= "## Requested URL: " . $_REQUEST[$modx->getOption('request_param_alias', null, 'q')] . "\n\n\n";
                $debuginfo .= "## Requested URL with base_url: ". $requestUrl ."\n\n\n";
                $debuginfo .= "## Matched context(s) (Array key defines match quality):\n\n" . print_r($matches,true) . "\n\n\n";
                $debuginfo .= "## Request will go to context: " . $matches[max(array_keys($matches))] . "\n\n\n";
                $debuginfo .= "## Modified request URL: " . $newRequestUrl . "\n\n\n";